We created this company to help decode the meaning of equine genetics and how it relates to horse health. Our mission is to make this powerful tool easy to use and accessible to all horse people.

We created this company to help decode the meaning of equine genetics and how it relates to horse health. Our mission is to make this powerful tool easy to use and accessible to all horse people.

Team Etalon includes top scientists, geneticists, biologists, tech experts, professional equestrians and animal lovers anchored in Silicon Valley, esteemed universities and laboratories around the world. We strive to create meaningful, useful and scientifically valid methods for improving the lives and health of our valued performance, service, and companion animals.
Our genetic diagnostic platform provides comprehensive panels of commercially available genetic diagnostics you may have seen offered elsewhere as single horse DNA genetic tests. Additionally we have included many new genetic markers and diagnostics you may not have seen and may not have been aware are now available. Not only have we included numerous new equine traits and markers for health diagnostics, but we have placed them on comprehensive panels for an affordable price.
While the genetic testing panels are cutting edge, they are only the tip of the tail, and we can't wait to reveal to you and your horses what's next!
Executive Team

Scientific Advisors

Sports & Breeding Advisors

Veterinary Advisors